Macbook pro 2015 swollen battery replacement
Macbook pro 2015 swollen battery replacement is a quite often job we perform at Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair Newbury Park. And one thing to note right away. Lithium batteries swell up not only on Macbook pros, they can blow up like that on any of the devices, including pc laptops, iPhones, Samsung phones, iPads, etc.
The reason that happens, is because of how Lithium batteries are made. At some point if the battery has a defect, there will be a chemical reaction taking place inside the battery, which causes some gases to build up inside the battery wrapper. And since that wrapper is sealed pretty well, those gases have no way of escaping, hence the battery swells up and at some point individual cell packs start looking like little pillows.

You can poke that lining with a small needle or a sharp pin, to release the gas and the swelling will go down right away. But i certainly don’t recommend doing that, especially if you’re inside the house. Because that gas coming out of the battery is pretty toxic and shouldn’t be inhaled by anyone.
However i even if you release the pressure from the cell packs, you shouldn’t be using that battery any longer. They are also known to catch on fire quickly.
So best thing to do, if you have a battery that blew up on you, is to bring in and get macbook pro 2015 swollen battery replacement done.
We usually have batteries in stock for most models of macbooks. And battery replacement service takes about 45 minutes total!
Find us at Fastest Mac Repair and Pc Repair Newbury Park, CA 91320
or call us at 805-585-5535 we are the fastest mac repair service in Thousand Oaks and Agoura Hills Areas!
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